






他们说 ...
  • Its great service that provided from RTF, that help us to successful applied the certified Software Company in 2012, also continue provide professional information after it. Thanks.
    ———— 汤森路透 David Li (Business Operations and Planning Mgmt) ————
  • 截至目前,我们跟RTF在各个项目上已经合作了2年左右了。对贵司提供的服务有以下一些感受:
    1.业务专业程度-在财税政策的分析和把握上,具有很高的专业程度。并且,能够结合我司的具体情况,制定出一条适合我司的税务统筹计划。2.政府公关能力-在遇到需要与政府部门沟通的环节,RTF能够很顺利的协助企业去跟政府部门洽谈,并帮助我司达到最终的目的。3.工作配合度-RTF安排负责我司业务的团队,具有很高的配合度。能够在项目进行中,随时提醒我司该去处理哪些事情了,并能够及时解决我司在项目中遇到的问题。4.日常的咨询-RTF对于我司提出的一些项目外的财税咨询事项,也能够积极的为我司进行解答。给我司提供了很多额外的帮助。 总体上,感觉跟RTF的合作是非常愉快的,就像结识了一个很好的朋友一样。
    ———— 易宝 Cody Xie (CFO) ————
  • RTF公司的咨询师具有丰富的专业经验和较强的公关能力,在项目进行中时刻为客户着想,细致耐心。并在日常工作中持续为客户提供实时的政策信息和专业解读,非常感谢!与贵司的合作非常愉快!
    ———— 恩梯梯数据(中国)有限公司 杨晓影 (财务部)  ————
  • As of today we have been working with RTF for about one year, during which we have collected pleasant and highly positive experiences by our team members.
    Firstly we have been very much impressed by the professional expertise of your team in regards to finance, taxation,and accounting and beyond, due to which we have treated RTF as one of resources for verification and urgent assistance.
    All in all, we have had pleasure of meeting and working with you and your team: Responsible, Knowledgeable, Swift and Trustworthy. We sincerely appreciate RTF's professional help so far and are deeply convinced that we have bright futures for in-depth collaborations!
    ———— ADM/WILD Beijing Jimmy Guo  ————
  • We have been very much impressed by Ms. Nancy Wang's ability to literally read our minds and deliver absolutely premium services related to our international establishment in China. The same is true for all the RTF's staff we have had pleasure of meeting and working with: Proactive, Knowledgeable, Swift and Kind. We sincerely appreciate RTF's professional help so far!
    ————  ExpertSender Piotr Gliwinski(CEO)  ————
  • Efficient and professional work style Communication is to the point and response is given sufficiently quick The regular updates on the project are appreciated
    ———— SMA Patrik Lewald (Project Manager Corporate Development)  ————
  • 专项审计是我公司申请政府资金补助的必要要件,RTF提供给我公司的专项审计服务及时、负责、准确,使得我公司可以成功申请政府资金补助。
    ———— 诺基亚 万新红(财务部)  ————
  • RTF是一支由专业人士组成的专业化高效服务团队。通过多年的合作证明RTF不仅仅是专业的,可信赖的服务提供商,而且是真正站在企业角度帮助企业思考问题,并解决问题的业务合作伙伴。
    ———— 大冢制药 杨进(CFO)  ————
  • RTF在企业税务服务方面非常优秀,办理相关事务的执行力很强。对我们的合作很满意,日后需要帮忙的地方请多多支持!
    ———— 法尔诺德 付鑫(CEO)  ————
  • RTF is since the founding of G_Solutions Beijing Representative Office (2009)our partner for accounting, auditing and government administrative affairs.During this period, Nancy Wang and her team were reliable and precise working.They keeping contact to our bank in Beijing, the government officials and working close with the G_Solutions accounting in Hong Kong.Helping us to get the annual visa and working permit went always smooth and in time.Especially since G_Solutions has a contract with a Shanghai automotive company,our communication was mainly relaying on email traffic.RTF is also supportive when it comes to non-contractual issues. G_Solutions can recommend RTF as a qualified partner.
    ———— G_Solutions Karl Gaschka (General Manager) ————
  • Thanks very much for your team’s effort and help to us. You did very excellent job, from the start we got Nancy, Lucia came over again and again to clear our concerns, at last it was under Bi Yan(Rose) big help, then we can get everything going on so smoothly, once again many thanks to all of you!
    ———— VALE Melinda ————
国际财税组织 KEY WILL GROUP 成员
Professional Development




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